The It's Monday! What are You Reading? meme is hosted by Sheila at
Book Journey.

Because of my cold I switched to children's books and graphic novels last week. I read
The Wolves of Willoughby Chase by Joan
Aiken and
Digger by Ursula Vernon.

I am still reading
The Disappearing Spoon by Sam Kean, and still enjoying it, but once again the whole big hardback thing got in the way. I didn't want to curl up with a hardback. I wanted something easy to cope with. Digger volume 1 was easy to curl up with but once I finished that book I ended up getting the complete omnibus edition rather than volumes 2-6 individually. The Digger omnibus weighs like 700 pounds - alright 5 pounds - it is bigger than a phone book! Very hard to curl up with but
I had to know what happened! I am still processing the ending. (AHHHH! I understand why but AHHHHH!!!!!). Ursula Vernon is awesome and Digger is amazing. I totally understand why it won the 2012 Hugo. If I had been paying any attention at all to fun things in 2013 I would have totally been all over that Kickstart. Oh well.
So this week I have to 1) totally get rid of this stupid cold, 2) finish
The Disappearing Spoon already! and start on something else on my TBR pile list. The whole idea of this blog was actually to read and review nonfiction for myself and stuff with the kids. Instead I have been avoiding my nonfiction reading list like the plague.
I put up a couple more environmental news pieces this past week and still have a couple longer ones in draft mode that I need to work up the energy to finish. This at least is going pretty well.
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