If An Armadillo Went to a Restaurant
by Ellen Fischer, illustrated by Laura Wood
Published: July 29, 2014
Publisher: Scarletta Kids
Pages: 32
Format: Hardback
Genre: Nonfiction Picture book
Age range: Young audience 4-6 or 7?
Source: Provided by Publisher for Cybils consideration
From Scarletta Kids:
Slurp! Munch! Crunch!
Would an armadillo order spaghetti with meatballs if she went to a restaurant? No way! She would like a plate of ants and worms.
Through a series of questions and answers, readers learn about animals,
where they live, and what they eat.
This is a super cute book and would be terrific for read alouds with Pre-K and Kindergarten groups. The illustrations are just lovely and giggle worthy when you take in the details. As the blurb says, the book is written in a question-answer format that can work well with a young audience if you like audience participation. (My daughter certainly liked shouting No Way!)
First comes a silly question - If a sea turtle crawled into a lagoon buffet, what would be order ? Fried chicken with gravy? No way!
Then a more serious answer about an animal's diet - A sea turtle might order ... crabs and shrimp with a jellyfish on top.
Now the book does oversimplify - the giraffe eating peaches (or apricots - the book is at home, oops!) is a bit off. On the other hand, this could be a great lead-in to having children look up more detailed information about the diets of various animals.
Fun little book!
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