Time Devoted to Reading
I plan to devote at least two hours each day (probably split between lunch and just after the kids fall asleep) to reading for pleasure.My Goals
- To read 6 books for pleasure (to heck with books for classes - I have all summer for that). DONE! - Not generally the ones I planned to read, but still I did read 6 books.
- Complete at least a summary review for each book read Working on it
- I also want to participate in at least three challenges (I did all but one last time, but my time will be more thoroughly occupied with grading this time around). DONE!

Some of the books that I might read are ...
in progress 1. Lexicon by Max Barry
done 2. The Duchess of Bloomsbury Street by Helene Hanff
done 3. Squeee ! I just realized that we should be getting a copy of The Return of Zita the Spacegirl by Ben Hatke. This will definitely get read, probably more than once. The last book ended with a cliffhanger and we (my daughter and I) have been waiting impatiently to see what happens next.
4. Cress by Marissa Meyer is a contender
5. The Song of the Quarkbeast: The Chronicles of Kazam, Book 2 by Jasper Fforde
6. A Natural History of Dragons: A Memoir by Lady Trent by Marie Brennan
7. Half Upon a Time by James Riley (I got a chance to start it but haven't been able to pick it up since)
8. humm ... not that organized yet.
Plus - we went to the school book fair last week. It was buy-one-get-one-free so we ended up with a bunch of new books. See ...
The Cabinet of Earths by Anne Nesbet
Everyday Angel #1: New Beginnings by Victoria Schwab
The Peculiar by Stefan Bachmann
The Gollywhopper Games by Jody Feldman
Ever After High: The Storybook of Legends by Shannon Hale
The Pharaoh's Secret by Marissa Moss
Monster High: Who's That Ghoulfriend? by Gitty Daneshvari
Monday Update Post:Pages read: 293 pages
Books finished: Owl's Well That Ends Well by Donna Andrews
Challenges: Monday Bout of Books Challenge: If You Like X, Try Y
Notes: I grabbed the wrong book somehow but it turned out good. (My daughter likes to re-arrange the books on the shelves, which makes finding a specific book rather adventurous sometimes.) This is a fun book that I read ages ago when it came out and not since. It was fun and rather awkward reading the book while a class took their final this morning - usually I would grade papers for another class, but I had a headache so I read instead and sat there snickering, trying not to laugh out loud and making the students slightly nervous. Still have the stupid headache though.
Tuesday Update Post:
Pages read today: 118 pages
Books read: The Duchess of Bloomsbury Street by Helene Hanff; A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle
Books finished: Nothing new.
Challenges: the Bookish Battle Royal Challenge and Books You're Looking Forward To Challenge are both on my Bout of Books Tuesday Post
Wednesday Update post:
Pages read today: 159 pages
Books finished: A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle
Challenges: This' Made Me Think of 'That'
Thursday Update post:
Pages read: 94 pages today, plus 96 pages of a graphic novel
Books finished: total of 2 still
Challenges: Bout of Books 10.0: Spell It Out Challenge
Friday Update post:
Pages read: 196 pages today
Running Total Pages: 860 ; plus 96 pages of a graphic novel
Books finished: The Duchess of Bloomsbury Street by Helene Hanff
Books finished total: 3
Challenges: Rainbow of Books Challenge for Bout of Books!
I also finished the Cover Scavenger Hunt at Book Monsters that was fun too.
Pages read: 328 today
Books finished: Emilie and the Sky World by Martha Wells and The Return of Zita the Spacegirl by Ben Hatke
Pages read: 328 today
Books finished: Daddy-Long-Legs by Jean Webster
Final Stats:
Total pages read: 1,516; plus a 214 page graphic novel
Total books finished: 6
FWIW, I loved the Helene Hanff back when I read it in High School. The Japser Fforde is also amazing. I liked Lexicon when I read it last summer, and it's stuck with me. I wouldn't say I loved it, even to the point where I have thought of rereading it, so I think I need to revisit my initial bland 'it was ok' assessment. My daughter read Cress and keeps bugging me to read it, but despite enjoying Cinder and Scarlet, I haven't been able to bring myself to read it yet. I guess I haven't been in the right mood. The Natural History of Dragons felt forced and stilted to me, but the cover is gorgeous.